In the Facebbook group made for this research project (in Danish only) I have now started a dissemination project: This week’s Danish website from the 1990s. The project will run for one year, and the aim is to have readers experience what the Danish web of the 1990s looked like. As explained on the web page about the project I focus on the overall history of the Danish web, as well as on the history of selected spheres of the Danish web: the media, the private sphere (individuals, families), the commercial sphere, the cultural sphere, the political sphere, the state sphere, and the educational sphere. The websites that are being presented will follow this structure, year by year, e.g. for 1996 one overall website such as a search portal, then a website from the media sphere, one from the private sphere, etc.

The websites have primarily been found in the American Internet Archive where the oldest archived websites are from the Autumn of 1996. From the beginning of the Danish web in 1992 until Autumn 1996  most preserved websites can only be found in printed books or magazines. Also, one can find a few screen shots of older websites on, an initiative about the writing of the design history of the web — does not exist anymore, but it can be found in the Internet Archive.

I therefore start the weekly presentations with 3-4 weeks with presentations from print media and from, and then for the rest websites are found in the Internet Archive’s collection. For the same reason all seven areas mentioned above will not be covered for the period 1992-96.

If you have old books, magazines or screen shots of web pages from the 1990s — or if you know of someone who does — feel free to email me on

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